High 5's Ubuntu Cards are a multi-functional deck of cards that encourage a group to interact, find connections, and have fun. There are 54 cards in each deck. The cards offer limitless reflection opportunities through metaphor, but we have also discovered that they also offer just as many opportunities for group interaction and creative play.
The directions include instructions for 13 different games and initiatives, but we are constantly discovering new ways to use them and you will too! You can create your own interactive experiences and after your group has played with them they too will come up with variations - which is another powerful team-building initiative. You'll want to bring these cards everywhere you go!
The word Ubuntu is a Nguni Bantu term and philosophy. (Nguni is a subset of the larger family of Bantu languages and peoples in the southern portion of Africa.) The term means “humanity” and is frequently translated to “I am because we are.” Ubuntu highlights our interconnectedness as a community.
Watch the video below to learn some inventive ways you can use Ubuntu Cards while social distancing.
Emotions by High 5®
Discover a fun and interactive way to explore and express your emotions with Emotions by High 5® cards. A facilitation resource for groups of all ages.
Ubuntu Cards
There exists a common bond between us all. Learn about these amazing connection cards now.
Blocked Perspective
Can a team-building activity be fun and challenging at the same time? The answer is YES when it comes to Blocked Perspective.
We believe that teams are more productive and workplace morale is higher when communication and collaboration are strong. BP is designed with both goals in mind: to improve communication and allow for the practice of healthy group discovery of differing perspectives. It’s a versatile tool for all workplace environments. See our starter guide video in our store to learn more.